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Tuesday, July 18, 2006

hello :D

i was reading jessie's post and i started tearing!
oh my jessie u are a true-blue motivator..

"if you HAVE FAITH and do not doubt in your heart, you can say to a mountain be thou cast into the sea, and it shall be done"

i think we ought to really commit everything into His hands! no matter how trying circumstances are, we should let his grace outpour, overflow to us.

yada yada it sounds vague and all, but something as simplistic as doing a math question, i think its very important to even doing it alongside God. Without God in me, when i get fustrated, i start crushing my paper and getting really angry. NOW thats poor anger management. But when i start my tutorials with QT, i feel God's presence, he's encouraging me and telling me "hey child, u can do it. Try again"

anyway, arent these shoes just adorable!!

Another reason to be a child agn! pretty shoes!
ok thats not the take home point, or i'll be undermining jessie's theory. haha.

btw i heard don moen is coming for fop!!
ooooh and fcbc is hosting planet shakers!

btw i m STILL craving for sushi buffet!

♥ charis :)
11:16 PM

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Dear Rachel: ALL OF US went for TNG yesterday! :) :)

And I finally found e donation card!! I was already planning how I should tell the policeman tt I lost e card. And when he asks how much money I've misplaced as part of fomality (thinking a huge sum of money must be involved), I'll have to answer him "actually the card has zero value attached to it".

Phew. I better make tt card valuable before returning it to the church :)

Recently Yiling and I have been doing voluntary work at some child care centre. Actually it was her who introduced me to this after-school programme thing cos I needed some CIP hrs to make my leaving testimonial look nice. Initially, I really felt guilty cos I was going there with the sole intention of chalking CIP hrs. But after my first trip to the child care centre, I realise teaching the children Chinese and Maths, and playing outdoor games with them can be such a rewarding job. To the extent tt when u stink all over in your uniform, u still have the energy to take out ur hp and look at all the photos taken with those kids. At night when I'm lying on my bed, I'll unconsciously start thinking of them, recalling their faces and names one by one etc.

So, having to clock CIP hrs is not my only aim now..though it's still part of my aim :)

But it's also only through this programme that I truly understand Mark 10:13-15.
"Then they brought young children to Him, that He might touch them, but the disciples rebuked those who brought them. But when Jesus saw it, He was greatly displeased and said to them, "Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God. Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it."

When I was super young, I thought this meant only children with their frocks and shorts can enter heaven. When I was older, I realised maybe it meant only people who think they're child-like can enter. Then as I grew even older, I realise e previous definition wasn't complete at all.

Being a little child means you have to be pure like them, smiling when u're truly happy and crying when u're in pain, but with no tinge of hypocrisy. Being a little child means saying sorry when u really mean it, and believing no matter what, there is a God who created the pretty flowers and huge mountains, despite all the confusing evolution theories.

Being a little child also means having complete trust in you Father, believing that He heals broken hearts, wants the best for you, and promises He will always be there with a listening ear. Sometimes adults love to add even more worries to their infinite worries, while kids take the easier route of claiming the verse "Therefore do not worry...For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things". Adults give up easily when they do not get what they desire, but kids prefer to sing the song "With Christ in the vessle we can smile at the storm".

Being a little child means recognising your weaknesess rather than letting pride consume you. Many a times an adult will force his way through to prove he can do just as well as others, often forgetting that God made everyone talented in their own ways. A kid, on the other hand, admits he can't do great things like save a life from the fire or answer a super deep question like "how many planets are there in the universe". But the kid knows that "My father/mother can do that!" We too, neglect that fact that we do have a Father who is a "know-all" and a "do-all", but we don't consult Him to solve our problems or ask Him to help us tide through our problems when we actually know He promised "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness".

So even when our body enters the adult phase, never let our hearts and minds wander from the pure and innocent days of childhood. Don't doubt by asking "will You really be there for me when I need you". A child knows his Father will always be there, without fail, to tuck him in bed (:

♥ .:jEsS!E:.
9:55 PM

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

I Asked God
i asked God for strength that i might have achieve. i was made weak to humbly obey.
i ask for health, that i might do greater things, i was given infirmity that i might do better things
i asked for riches, that i might be happy, i was given poverty, that i might be wise
i asked for power that i might have the praise of men, i was given weakness, that i might feel the need of God.
i asked for all things that i might enjoy life, i was given life that i might enjoy all things.
i got nothing that i asked for- but everything i had hoped for.
Almost despite myself, my unspoken prayers were answered. i am among all men most richly blessed.

♥ love of God
8:49 PM

Dearest Salt Shakers..

here i am wishing u guys a happy mid week !!! ha ha.. :) how are u all doing ? whatever u are going through.. face it with a big SMILE cos the Lord is smiling down on all of you k !! am thinking of u guys too k..din manage to see alot of u last week.. remember cell doesn't just exist on saturday and sundays but everyday kay...

i won be able to meet u guys for cell this week as i will be away at a retreat.. :( do go together for TNG and spend time praying for each other after or before service too.. call me if u need someone to talk too..

do take time to read the entry that i placed above this.. called. I Asked God.. stuff has been happening for me this week and it has been tough and all i could do was to cry out to the Lord.. ha ha . will share with u guys when i see u the week after.. take care of urselves k.. i pray that He will guard ur heart, ur mind, ur soul and ur body..

Love u. Rach..

♥ love of God
8:40 PM

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Dear Salt Shakers...

Hello guys.. how has ur week been so far ? hope u guys are doing okay. good news : we are going to have cell this week.. yay !! ha ha.. i will meet u guys for cell at 5 on Saturday. then we can go for dinner somewhere nearby as there is no TNG this week but there will be the combined anniversary service on Sunday.. i am not sure if its combined combined or there are two services. i think there should be 2 services but i will confirm with u again k on Saturday..

there is also the walkathon this Saturday morning. sigh. i am not going to make it compulsory for all of u to attend. but is anyone interested ? can let me know kay. :) also dear Jeremy and Jessie.. i need ur cards back.. asap.. dun want the office to start coming after me le.. :P so pls bring on Saturday k.. actually Jes, it will be cool for u to bring ur cousins to cell ? how bout that ? ha ha.. okie dokies.. thats all for now.. i will see u soon !! big big hug !!

love, Rach

♥ love of God
9:19 PM

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

I cast all my cares upon you
I lay all of my burdens down at your feet
And anytime when I dont know what to do
I just cast all my cares upon you

i lost the piano scores, does anyone still have them.
nevermind, i found them (:

♥ vanessa
10:32 PM

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Things tt define YOU.

Not clothes, not shoes, not hair.

Not the colour of your skin, not how many A's u have, not how rich u are, not how burdened u are.

Not what your parents think of u, not how your friends see u.

Do you have the answer?

Things tt define the SALT SHAKERS.

The fact that we can unite as one despite coming from different backgrounds and schools.

The good and bad times we go through together. The high mountains and deep valleys we walk through together. The secrets we whisper to each other's ears.

The praise and worship we give to God from the bottom of our hearts. The very desire that we hold to not let go of God.

The feeling of when a member is down, everyone feels for him/her. The feeling of when a member is in bliss, the whole cell group feels happy from him/her.

The feeling of when you're gonna fall..the whole cell group will be there to catch you. The feeling that when it feels as there's nobody to turn to..u can pour out your deepest sorrows to this group of friends.

The feeling that seeing each other only once a week is insufficient. The feeling that laughter is indeed the best medicine when your week has been horrendous.

And lastly, the feeling that when there's no cell group for one week, something is lacking deep in our hearts.

How great is our God
Sing with me how great is our God
And all will sing how great, how great
Is our God

Name above all names
You are worthy of all praise
My heart will sing
How great, how great is our God

♥ .:jEsS!E:.
10:26 PM