Hopefully we can get close to full attendance for subsequent outings organised by Jeremy. But be prepared! You might end up in Mount Faber/Fort Canning/Botanic Gardens/Haw Par Villa/some temple, mosque, synagogue or cathedral on your birthday :)
Some photos for viewing pleasure, many thanks to the camera and photo suppliers! :)

cher, changarara, meeko, ange, jess, ling, jem, nig

the girls

a thorn among the roses

spot the pseudo couple! it's not lili and jessie...

greek freak

outside the museum, thanks to Jeremy

that's quite unglam

we spent (except poor ange) $4 in the museum staring at figurines, pots and jars, tiles, statues etc. and quotes li-li "the best part was dressing up lah" :)
To others who're still hogging the photos, please upload them asap! :) Thanks for bearing so much nonsense from this PR, hopefully things will get better with the newly appointed one. We mean! Newly self declared tyrant :)
Blessed 2008!