Bon Voyage, Yiling
Date: 30/07/08
Venue: Mint Museum of Toys
Time: 7pm till as long as we like
Involved: whole cell
On behalf of Yiling, thanks to all for making it a point to have dinner as a cell. It's been a long time since everyone could be present. Hope the little sharing we had and the quality time spent will etch in your hearts and spur you on to be in the house of His believers :)
Our destination: Mint Museum of Toys!
why do they look so happy waiting for people? :)
the pretty menu
with a cosy interior design
as usual,before the food arrived,we couldn't get our hands off the cameras
van and des
nigel with his angels
dun care if the lighting's good not,just continue taking
take until the food comes
but the food is taking such a long time that we're taking photos with our reflections
and taking photos of people taking photos
but when the food finally came...
two thumbs up! (except for poor li-li's hard pasta)
star of the day is enjoying her strawberry milkshake treat
"we're very satisfied with the generous portions and sharing of pizzas across tables"
says to van, "Eh next time if you can't find a passport size photo use this one lah."
Don't ask me what is he trying to do? Negative example of striking an mtv pose
Cheryl naturally cute we all understand,look at unglam li-li,pouting lips eh!! (buay tahan)
us after fillling our tummies :)
check out the beautiful wall mural
that's mother hen with her dear baby chick. Wings grow hard liao lor, can fly to U.S already
We like to camwhore. jeremy,nigel,angela,rachel,li-li, cheryl,desiree,vanessa,yiling,jessie,stefanie :)
the successful women behind batman
after the exciting 8-player daytona race was over,one side was giving the sian look...
while the other side was in chaos
the house of the dead pros *ba baba ba baaa bam*
li-li studying also never give such a serious face lor :P
Thanks to ryl, li and ling who met earlier in the afternoon for our mini shopping spree and bubble tea drinking session. Many thanks to meeko whom we hereby appoint as the cell cam supplier :) Thanks to angie who rushed down from work and stef who hasn't forgotten us after so many years. Also to rach who recommended the place and made bookings for us, and des, nig and jem for taking time off their busy schedules to make this simple dinner possible.
Most imporantly, thanks be to our Father in heaven who calls us by name to be in the same cell, growing, learning and serving in our own small ways. Wherever we are, be it at home, in school, at work or out in different parts of the world, we place our trust in the same God.
Psalm 23: "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul. He guides me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me. Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me"
P.S Latest craze in the shakers cell is to find your own birthday present, buy it in advance, and bully kind-hearted people like *ahem* into keeping it in her drawer until your big day arrives. But never mind, like what she always say, from mon to fri take the presents out for personal use also nobody know. At the end of the month just put it back nicely into the package box with a decent plastic bag and woahla! Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you..........